Saturday, July 24, 2010

Considerate Writing and Reading

I was recently reading a post on and I came across this quote: "Communicating through a computer makes it very tempting to say things that we would not say in person." 

This could not be a more true statement and something I had just been thinking about. As I write my blogs, it always runs through my mind when choosing my wording or when I'm not sure if I should say something. As an writer, there's the notion of artistic license that gives me the freedom to say whatever I think or feel without having to censor my words. But then I think, "Should I censor this? Should I let my thoughts run free or should I consider something before I put it out there for all to read?" And typically, it's the latter that wins out. First, because if I said every thought that came into my head, my posts probably wouldn't make any sense as my mind tends to run pretty random. And second, sometimes, even though a thought pops into my head, I realize that maybe it doesn't need to be stated. Maybe it could be construed as offensive. Maybe it includes language I've deemed unnecessary. But whatever the case may be, it's better that the thought just stay in my head.

As the ProBlogger post said, it's so easy to say something on the computer, like with this blog, than it is in person. Because, there's no direct contact, a buffer is created between what's being said and who it's being said to. Or in the case, who's reading it. I try to always be conscious of this and never write anything I wouldn't say to someone if I was telling them my story in person. I think this is important to because it means that each word holds more meaning than if I just slapped my every musing up here. If a writer takes the time to consider their words first and really think about what they're saying, something truly meaningful and personal can be created. That's what I try to do here. Offer up my personal insights in a sincere way in the hopes that I will connect with those who read. 

My last thought on this matter is that thoughtful writing causes the reader to then consider what they've read because of that connection, and they become affected by the material. Like me with the Problogger article, I took away that quote and spent a good deal of time mulling it over. It was honest writing that I was able to connect with because it left a real impression.

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